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a man doing like ohh shit with hand on his head

1. People with weaker senses of smell have weaker 
sexual desires.

2. It takes the typical person 17 months and 26 days to get over an ex.

3. That line/seam on the scrotum actually forms into the labia with females.

4. The average male spends 43 minutes a day staring at 10 different women.

5. Baby gravy is a slang term used for semen.

6. Some pregnant women can't help but pee a little when they cough

7. On average, U.S. butts are bigger than UK butts.

8. Women who read romance novels have sex twice as often as those who don't.

9. The male praying mantis cannot copulate while its head is attached to its body. The female initiates sex by ripping the males head off.

10. Coffee drinkers have sex more frequently than non-coffee drinkers.


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